India's opening batsmen, Rohit Sharma and Shikhar Dhawan, set off a flying start to their tour. Their 160-run stand, the second-highest for India in T20 , provided momentum enough to last the rest of the game in a 76-run win at Malahide. In response to India's 208 for 5, the hosts couldn't even trump the pair's effort, succumbing to India's wristspinners through the middle overs.
Kuldeep Yadav got career best figures of 4 wickets for 21. Now we will see action tomorrow in 2nd T20.He was man of the match
India 208 for 5 (Rohit 97, Dhawan 74, Chase 4-35) beat Ireland 132 for 9 (Shannon 61, Kuldeep 4-21, Chahal 3-38) by 76 runs
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Kuldeep Yadav got career best figures of 4 wickets for 21. Now we will see action tomorrow in 2nd T20.He was man of the match
India 208 for 5 (Rohit 97, Dhawan 74, Chase 4-35) beat Ireland 132 for 9 (Shannon 61, Kuldeep 4-21, Chahal 3-38) by 76 runs
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